Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sample Itinerary #1

Here's one idea:

Wed, May 26th
Take light rail to AZ Science Center ($12 adult/ $10 child) to spend the day.  Maybe see Under the Sea at the IMAX ($8 adult/$7 child) and maybe go to the planetarium there too ($8 adult/$7 child).

Thurs, May 27th
Wet 'N' Wild
Notes: Anyone that wants to can go to Howies or Gameworks Wed or Thurs or some other night

Fri, May 28th
Amazing Jakes (pricing)
Admission includes buffet for lunch

Sat, May 29th
Family photos in the morning
Waldo's BBQ or elsewhere or picnic at the park for lunch
Break for naptime
Adult dinner out

Sun, May 30th
Go to church together?
Board game day
Camping in backyard and dutch oven cooking
Skit/talent show night

Mon, May 31st (Memorial Day)
Girls go out (good day for sales if we are going shopping)
Guys plan something fun to do with the kids (water balloons, rockets, etc)
Dare I even mention--do NOT take my kids shooting, thanks :)

Tues, June 1st
Guys go golfing
Girls plan something fun to do with the kids (maybe Phx Children's Museum?)

Please feel free to comment or submit your own sample itinerary. 

How much eating out/cooking does everyone want to do?
Are Mom and Dad working at the Temple on Saturday?
Does everyone want to go to church together on Sunday or go to their own wards?  The only thing about going to our own wards is that everyone is at a different time so we wouldn't have a day to spend together on Sunday.

Hmmm, would we want to do some of our dinners at different houses?  Mark and I take a turn having everyone over and are in charge of the food, whether we want to get take out or make something easy for nights like after wet n wild, amazing jakes, science center, etc


  1. Looks fun to me! The Science Center will be less busy in the middle of the week, but there is a special Super Hero weekend from the 28th-31st. Maybe switch up Wednesday and Friday activities? I think Mom wanted to go to to some ward different from all of ours (ex. Carol's) but I have no preference.

  2. Hey, looks pretty good to me. As for eating out - I get bored of that pretty quickly, but it takes time to put something together for dinner + clean-up. Time which could be spent doing other things. Though I think eating at each other's houses 1 night would work. I could do that. As for Sunday - I vote to go to another ward. I told my RS Presidency that I was going to be "out of town" and I'm going to treat it as that way. My only hesitation about Amazing Jakes's - and this just applies to us - is that Carson can't do hardly any rides. You have to be age 4 and height requirement, so we might do something else that day.

  3. Family pictures will work in the morning.... if you're willing to wake up at 5am to take them. I suggest late afternoon, something after 6pm.
