Sunday, May 2, 2010

Choose Your Top 5

Staycation is in 24 days! 

Choose 5 activities from the list below that you are interested in doing. We will narrow it down from there, and get the itinerary set up. Post your choices in the "Comments" section.


    -Phoenix Children's museum
    -Dutch oven cooking/camping in the backyard
    -Tubing down the Salt River
    -Guys golf @ Riverview, Girls go... shopping? Mani/pedis??

  2. These are Dallin's votes:
    -AZ Science Center
    -Jeepers/Amazing Jake's
    -Tubing down Salt River

  3. Mark votes:
    -AZ Science Center
    -AZ Museum for Youth
    -Board Games
    -Adults Dinner

  4. Marily votes:
    -Sunsplash or Waterworld
    -Dutch oven/camping in backyard
    -adults' dinner out
    -Board game day
    -golfing and shopping (Maybe the guys could go golfing and the gals take the kids somewhere like Phx Children's Museum, then another day or time, the gals go out shopping or mani/pedi while the guys do something with the kids like waterballoon fight.)

  5. -AZ Science Center (May 28 - 31: SUPER HERO WEEKEND!)
    -Jeepers/Amazing Jakes
    -Wet N' Wild
    -Adults' Dinner out
    -Skit/Funny Talent show

  6. I just glanced at the Tubing site and I think the kiddos need to be at least 8? :/

    -Amazing Jake's
    -Wet n' Wild
    -Lee Lee's supermarket sweep! Remember that show? ;D
    -AZ Science Center for Super Hero Weekend (PHX Comicon is happening at the same time, that's why the museum has it going on :P. Also, the kids may like riding the Light Rail. Not everyone has to go, but I don't mind escorting them there and then drive back home.)
    - I'm torn between the skit night and camping in the backyard. Perhaps, combine? Can't have a camp out without skits!

  7. Gameworks/Howie’s Game Shack
    Adults dinner night out
    Dutch oven cooking
    Board Game Day

  8. Oh, and Golfing too, any kind

  9. Boy, it's hard to choose just 5. But this is just for a starting point to narrow down ideas.
    -Wet n' Wild (previously Waterworld)
    -Adults dinner night out
    -Children's Museum of Phoenix
    -Guys Golf & Girls Shop/mani/pedi (I like Marily's suggestion)
